Guest Lecture Prof. Pedro Beresin
The House of the "Good Man": Masculinity, "Civilization" and Domesticity in Brasil (1870-1920). Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 14:45 on Zoom

This presentation aims to investigate how, between the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the diffusion of new patterns of masculinity and domesticity in Brazil was linked to a project of the national elites to “civilize” the Brazilian nation. In this period, the national intellectual and political elites, aiming to transform the newly independent former colony into a “civilized”, white and industrialized nation, problematized the Brazilian population and developed projects to reform it. In this context, the “good man” – the ideal of a white, virile, Christian, moralized, disciplined and “civilized” man – emerged in the imagination of these elites as the great protagonist of this “civilizing” process, who would be responsible for establishing “order” and promoting “progress” in society.
Guest lecture by Prof. Pedro Beresin, Escola da Cidade, School of Architecture and Urbanism, São Paulo as part of the seminar "Miss Manners: Gender, Etiquette and Architecture"
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