Dr. Nikolaos Magouliotis
Dr. Nikolaos Magouliotis
Lecturer at the Department of Architecture
ETH Zürich
Geschichte und Theorie der Arch.
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Additional information
Dr. Nikolaos (Nikos) Magouliotis is an architectural historian and post-doc researcher at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Maarten Delbeke, in the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) of ETH Zurich. Nikos obtained his doctoral degree from the ETH in 2022; prior to that, he studied architecture and architectural history in Athens (NTUA) and Oslo (AHO).
His research and teaching focuses on the history and historiography of architecture in the 18th and 19th centuries and more broadly in the early-modern period, with a particular focus on the following topics: vernacular architecture, both as a theoretical construct and as a historical reality; intersections between architecture and popular culture/folklore; processes of inter-cultural encounter and exchange; the dissemination and vernacularization of architectural ornament; the invention and negotiation of national, cultural and social identities through architecture.
Nikos’ current research – in the context of the SNSF-funded project “Building Identity: Character in Architectural Debate and Design, 1750-1850”, led by Sigrid de Jong and Maarten Delbeke – focuses on Swiss vernacular architecture. The research juxtaposes the ways in which urban intellectuals idealized the chalet as a symbol of rusticity and national identity, with the the actual lives, customs and beliefs of the peasants that built and inhabited such constructions.
His doctoral dissertation (defended in 2022) was titled Forlorn Folklore: Discovering and debating the vernacular architecture of Greece, from the Ottoman era to the Greek nation-state, and was part of the HERA research program “Printing the Past. Architecture, Print Culture, and Uses of the Past in Modern Europe (PriArc)”. The dissertation focused on the vernacular architecture of Ottoman-era Greece and the different meanings ascribed to it by Western travellers and local authors.
Nikos has presented his work in numerous international conferences and colloquia. He has published articles and papers in magazines such as San Rocco, ARCH+ and Cartha, as well as academic journals: Architectural Histories, Future Anterior, The Journal of Architecture, and Architecture Beyond Europe.
Additional information
“Entering the Peasant's Cottage: Vernacular Architecture of Ottoman Greece through the Eyes of Western and Local Travellers”, in: Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis (ed.), Travel and Classical Antiquities in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Greece: Exploring Marginalised Perspectives (London & New York, Routledge, 2024), p. 69-99.
“The Disenchantment of the Vernacular: Architectural Representation from the Witch-Hunt to the Picturesque”, PLATFORM (Sep 9, 2024).
“It takes a Village to make a Nation: The ‘Village Suisse’ at the Exposition Nationale de Genève (1896)”, OASE 117: Project Village (2024), p. 11-26.
[co-authored with Maarten Delbeke, Sigrid de Jong and Dominik Müller] “Character, or the Anxiety of Appropriateness in Eighteenth-Century Architectural Discourse”, Archimaera 11 (2024): Angemessenheit.
“Ο Αλέξανδρος Ροδάκης διαβάζει Παναγιώτη Σούτσο: Για μια άλλη βιογραφία ενός λαϊκού ήρωα”, in: Kostas Tsiambaos (ed.), Πολύτεχνος – Κείμενα για τον Παναγιώτη Τουρνικιώτη (Athens, Melissa, 2024), p. 192-203.
“The tale of Saint Barbara and how she suffered for her design”, trans magazin44: “Lore” (2024), p. 73-79.
“Many Architectures for Multiple Christianities” [Review of the Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity], Architectural Histories 11(1), 2023.
[Untitled] – short text on the "Herrgottswinkel", in: Francisco Moura Veiga (ed.), Typology of Intimacy. An Emotional Catalog of Booths. (Weimar, M Books, 2022), p. 136-139.
“Stanley 55 Combination Plane”, in: Barbara Penner, Adrian Forty, Olivia Horsfall Turner and Miranda Critchley (eds.), Extinct – A Compendium of Obsolete Objects. (London, Reaktion Books, 2021.), p. 309-311.
[co-authored with Panayotis Tournikiotis:] “Projets de Georges Candilis pour la Grèce (1958-1969): Athènes, Phalère, Patras, Spetses.”, in: Lucile Arnoux-Farnoux (ed.), Le double voyage: Paris‐Athènes (1945‐1975). Mondes méditerranéens et balkaniques (MMB) no. 16. (Athens, École française d’Athènes, 2021), p. 81-104.
“Narrative”, in: Olivia Horsfall Turner, Simona Valeriani, Matthew Wells and Teresa Fankhänel (ed.), An Alphabet of Architectural Models. (London & New York, Merrell Publishers, 2021.), p. 66-68.
“Το παλιό σύστημα που δουλεύανε οι μαστόροι στα μέρη της Ανατολής”: Η οικία Κόντογλου και η μεσοπολεμική φαντασίωση για ένα βυζαντινό Bauhaus. [“The old system used by craftsmen in the lands of the Orient”: The Kontoglou house and the inter-war fantasy of a byzantine Bauhaus.], in: Andreas Giacumacatos and Sokratis Georgiadis (eds.), Το Μπάουχάους και η Ελλάδα / Bauhaus and Greece. (Athens, Kapon Editions, 2021), p. 460-468.
"Miniaturizing monuments: Conrad Schick and his architectural models of the holy sites of Jerusalem", Architecture Beyond Europe Journal (ABE), no. 18 (2021).
"French architects and 'églises grecques': the discovery of byzantine architecture in Greece, 1820s–1840s", The Journal of Architecture, vol. 25 (2020), Issue 8: European Peripheries of Architectural Historiography.
"Hagia Sophia and the Greeks - National Myth and Architectural Historiography".
[Greek:] Archetypemagazine (13/08/2020).
[English:] Stambouline (02/12/2020).
"Ο Περικλής Γιαννόπουλος και η νεοελληνική αρχιτεκτονική." [Pericles Yannopoulos and Modern Greek architecture.], in: Amalia Kotsaki and Kostas Tsiambaos (eds.), Τα τετράδια του Μοντέρνου 7: Το μοντέρνο βλέμμα στην 'ελληνική' φύση. (Futura, Athens, 2020), p. 39-54.
"Byzantium, to and fro: The Pavillon de la Grèce, from the Paris 1900 Expo to Athens", Future Anterior - Journal of Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism, vol. 15, no. 2 (Winter 2018). [Published in 2020]
"Two Reverse Urban Artifacts in Athens", in: E. Chiavi, P. Garrido-Arnaiz, M. Girão, F. Moura-Veiga, F. Ramos-Ordóñez, B. Utting, and R. Valdez (eds.), Cartha - On the Form of Form (Park Books, Zurich, 2019), p. 122-125.
“A Miniature Conflict – Conrad Schick’s Model of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem”, trans magazin 35 – “Bruch” (2019), p. 67-72.
“Wishing for a Modern House”, Desired Landscapes 02 (2019), p. 82-95.
"Learning from ‘Panosikoma’: Atelier 66’s Additions to Ordinary Houses." Architectural Histories 6 (1) (December 2018).
"From vernacular language to vernacular architecture: Dimitris Pikionis’ Moraitis house (1923) as the culmination of a long discourse on Folklore.", La Rivista di Engramma 159: "Pikionis ri-costruttore" (October 2018).
"What we hold as ugly and infuriating today will be 'established' in a decade: Dimitris Philippides and the historiography of anonymous architecture in Greece.", San Rocco 14: "66" (Milan, 2018), p. 84-92.
“Parallel Realities of Modernism: From Stuttgart to Larissa”, trans magazin 33 – “Reality” (2018), p. 125-129.
“Karagioz Berde: The city as a stage, beyond the dichotomy of ‘high’ and ‘low’.”, Desired Landscapes 01 (2018), p. 102-113.
Also published in French: “Karagioz Berde: La ville en tant que scène, au-delà de la dichotomie du ‘grand’ et du ‘petit’.”, Dérivations - Pour le débat urbain, no. 6 (December 2019), p. 282-287.
"Lokale Artefakte, globale Archetypen: Notizen zur Nutzung des Betons in der griechischen Moderne." [Local Artifacts and Global Archetypes. Notes for a Popular History of Concrete and Modernism.], ARCH+ 230: "Projekt Bauhaus 2: Architekturen der Globalisierung" (Berlin, 2017), p 102-107.
"Self-doubting intellectuals and primitive alter-egos: The life and times of Zorba and Rodakis in the island of Aegina, Greece.", Cartha I: "The Limits of Fiction in Architecture - The Text Issue" (Basel, 2017).
"Educating the Petite Bourgeoisie: Notes on Adolf Loos' 'The Poor Little Rich Man'.", San Rocco 12: "The Client Issue" (Milan, 2016), p. 181-188.
"The Flat Roof as Negotiable Limit: 'Πανωσήκωμα' and Housing in Greece.", Kote 6, "Grenser" (Oslo, 2015).
"Pilotis/Πυλωτή: Fundamental Element or Idiomatic Translation.", 255 Daetsam 20: "Appendix" (Madrid, 2015).
"Slow Metabolism: Incrementality Without Architects.", Bartlett Lobby 2: "Clairvoyance" (London, 2015).
"The Modern Greek Maison Dom-ino.", 2ΗΑ 6: "Suburbia and Typology" (Dublin, 2014).
"Three Little Huts.", San Rocco 8: "What’s Wrong with the Primitive Hut" (Milan, 2014), p. 22-31.
"Scary Architects and Scared Clients - A Portrait of Aris Konstantinidis.", San Rocco 5: "Scary Architects" (Milan, 2012), p. 157-164.
Course Catalogue
Spring Semester 2025
Number | Unit |
052-0810-25L | Vernacular: Architecture's Persistent Other |
063-0316-25L | History of Art and Architecture VI: Vernacular: Architecture's Persistent Other |