History of Art and Architecture V Caractère
Dr. Sigrid de Jong, Dr. Nikos Magouliotis, Thursdays, 9:45-11:30, HIL E 6

'Caractère' or character is not only a quality applied to human beings. It is also a category of architectural discourse, developed in the 18th century when architects and theorists were seeking new ways to talk about and judge buildings, pushing architectural discourse beyond Vitruvian categories to which it had been tied for centuries before.
This reading class will closely examine key texts that discuss the phenomenon of a building's 'character' from the 1700s up until today. The weekly assigned texts (in the original French, English or German) will be read at home and then discussed in class. Independent reading and vivid participation in class are a fundamental prerequisite. In addition, there will be weekly written assignments, which will all be graded. A final written assignment at the end of the semester will be graded as well. To pass the course, students will have to read each assigned text, and hand in all written assignments on time.
Geschichte und Theorie der Arch.
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5