Grundlagen Spring Semester 2024
Led by the Chairs of Professors Avermaete, Delbeke, Stalder and Ursprung - Fridays, 15:45-17:30, HIL E1

Drawn from Fra Giocondo, 'Tacuino' edition of 'De Architectura' by Vitruvius, 1511. Graphic design von Julien Rey. (Public Domain)
The aim of this course is to introduce first-year students to the topics and debates that currently shape the field of the history and theory of architeture, by means of a direct and hands-on engagement with the methods and materials of historical and theoretical enquiry.
Dr. Matthew Critchley
Lecturer at the Department of Architecture
I. f. Geschichte/Theorie der Arch.
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5