Subject Semester Spring 2024
Dr. Matthew Critchley, FS24

Meaning in architecture is often a more fraught question than in painting or literature. Architecture's non-figurative nature may not appear as easy to read as the iconography of a painting or the narrative of a novel, but buildings do mean things, and this meaning is inflected through audience and time. At its creation, occupation, or even violent destruction, architecture can embody all sorts of specific indentifiale meanings, for definable even antagonistic groups.
This Fachsemester is a place where you can pursue your own research interests. You come to us with a topic and we will help you develop it from initial idea, through focused research, ending with a carefully edited essay, which you will deliver as a lecture at the end of the course. Weekly discussions will be focused on your research and how you can most quickly develop your own expertise. Complimentary talks will be given by member of the Chair Delbeke, where they will explain how they have conducted their own research from initial idea to published paper.
Deadline for applications for Spring Semester 2024 is Wednesday, February 7th, 8 p.m.
HIL D 65